11th of June – Concert de Gala – Orchestre de Chambre de Lyon

I am delighted to announce that the Orchestre de Chambre de Lyon will perform my works during its last concert of the season, next 11th of June.

The concert will open with a world creation, a work commissioned by the OCL, entitled “La Strada di Gino”. This piece pays homage to the great humanist Gino Strada. I will also have the honor of playing with my bandoneon and the orchestra another of my compositions, entitled Hevrin Khalaf.

The orchestra will also perform Beethoven’s 6th symphony (Pastorale) and Rossini’s “Introduction, Thème et Variations”.

For more information, click on the link below: https://chesterdechambredelyon.com/concert/concert-de-gala-2024/